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Monthly Intention- Embrace Silence

December 1, 2013

Welcome to the 16th installment of our monthly intention setting ritual.

For more details on what this is all about see this post right over here.
If you missed last months post, or any other I encourage you to check them out over here

This months intention is going to be difficult for some. I know it will be tremendously difficult for me. I don't like to be left with my own thoughts and so I often avoid silence as much as possible. It's not something I'm proud to admit but it's true. I often have a tv show or a movie or music playing in the background all the time, even if I'm doing other things at the same time. Too much silence tends to make me feel anxious. How lame is that? This month I'm going to try to face this head on and actually try to EMBRACE the silence.

It is one thing to decide to keep music on because you like to multi-task. It's another thing completely to keep it on because without it, you find yourself feeling uneasy. I don't want to avoid it anymore! The fact of the matter is I like the silence once I get over the initial discomfort so let's see if we can eliminate it all together!

I imagine that I'm not the only person who feels uneasy when it comes to sitting in silence. For some it may be best to start with smaller steps so I'll try to address different ways to go about it.

Ways to make it happen: